
EOR sees the future of warfare is more than kinetic, more than irregular, more than asymmetric, more than counterinsurgency operations. EOR’s future of warfare calls for us all to remember the effectiveness of unconventional warfare, not only with soldiers, rifles, guns, drones and ordinance but with peace practice and civil development. EOR’s shared goal is to create peace and stability throughout the world. EOR’s vision dispels conflict by addressing maslow’s hierarchy of needs through charitable actions, human connection, collaboration and peaceful outcomes. EOR is skilled at providing civil affairs, civil engineering support, infrastructure services, access to clean water, securely enhanced supply chain solutions that are key to ensuring global stability and betterment for all human beings. Personnel employed through EOR have the opportunity to use their talents and skills to develop peaceful, positive relationships between the United States and the rest of our world.


EOR brings our future vision into current practice as a Prime Contractor for The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). EOR’s flagship contract is a $450MM IDIQ called the SOCOM Wide Mission Support Contract (SWMS), this contract is key to supporting all aspects of our SOCOM community around the world. EOR leads the way on the decamillion dollar SOUTHCOM IDIQ Contract for the Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Preparedness that builds resilient infrastructures for our partner countries and those in need around the world. When you hire or join with EOR you will have the opportunity to prevent conflict, restore order and vibrancy throughout our world.


EOR’s team led the way at the Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA), where our team participated in building the Advanced Foriegn Counterintelligence Operations Course (AFCIOC), Force Protection Course, Surveillance Course, Defense Credentially Course, Counterintelligence Cyber Certification Course for tactical acquisition and exploitation of digital media. EOR was the first small business Prime Contractor to support all major verticals for the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) on the Irregular Warfare Analytical Services Contract and follow-on Irregular Warfare Consolidate Support Contract. Founding members of EOR were part of the U.S. Army Special Operations Community, supporting 5th, 7th, 10th, 19th, and 20th groups. In addition, EOR has supported Navy Seal Teams 2, 3, and 5 along with other seal teams. EOR supported Marine Special Operations to include 3rd force reconnaissance, 5th force reconnaissance, multiple radio reconnaissance battalions, MARSOC and other Special Operations Community members at the Air Force. EOR’s experience with SOCOM, DARPA include advancements in aviation, tactics, techniques, procedures, international stability operations, foriegn internal defense, counterinsurgency operations (COIN), counterintelligence operations and more.